Class J 84 – Culinary Arts
Chairperson: Marie Hall 519-776-6073
Junior Section follow Class 56 rules
Prizes: 1st $4.50, 2nd $4.00, 3rd $3.00
1. Chocolate cake 3” (7.5 cm) square un-iced (9 years & under)
2. Chocolate cake 3” (7.5 cm) square un-iced (10 to 12 years)
3. Decorated cupcakes, (2) wrappers removed (9 years & under)
4. Decorated cupcakes, (2) wrappers removed (10 to 12 years)
5. Blueberry muffins (3) wrappers removed
6. Squares, same variety (3) un-iced 1 1/2”
7. Chocolate chip cookies (3) (9 years & under)
8. Oatmeal chocolate chip cookies (3) (10 to 12 years)
9. Stove top cookies (3) (10 to 12 years)
10. Decorated sugar cookies (3)
11. School lunch for one (9 years & under). Please use clean food & beverage containers, no peanut products, no ice pack required
12. School lunch for one (10 to 12 years). Please use clean food & beverage containers, no peanut products, no ice pack required
13. Three ways of serving grapes (9 years & under)
14. Three ways of serving grapes (10 to 12 years)
15. After school snack – 3 items excluding drink. Please use clean food containers
Separate Entries
16. By the Henry Family
In Memory of Wayne Henry
Peanut Butter Cookies (3)
1st $5.00, 2nd $3.00, 3rd $2.00
17. By Hunter Farms, Las Granjas Cazadores, Les
Fermes Chasseurs, Jaegerfarmen
Best pie baked from the following varieties:
Rhubarb-Raisin, Rhubarb-Cherry, or Peach-Blueberry
1st $75, 2nd $50
Winners (1st & 2nd) to present sponsor with a fresh pie by Sept. 30 in order to receive prize money. Parent-Child team effort is highly encouraged for this category!
Inspire your child, let them learn and bake together! Every entrant will receive $5.00 courtesy of our sponsor.
18. By All Canadian Entertainment
Mystery Prize Pack (value $25) … 1st & 2nd
Cereal creations depicting and aspect of the Harrow Fair. Maximum size 10″ x 10″ square, use your imagination, creations are limitless
Specials – Class J 84
By B-B-Q Pit, on Fairgrounds
Best Decorated Cupcakes (sec 3-4)
1 B-B-Q Dinner (Must pick up verification from office and use at 2024 Fair)
In Memory of Pat Fitzpatrick
Best school lunch (9 years & under) (sec 11)
1st $20.00, 2nd $15.00, 3rd $10.00
In Memory of Pat Fitzpatrick
Best school lunch (10 – 12 years) (sec 12)
1st $20.00, 2nd $15.00, 3rd $10.00
Specials – Class J 80-89
By B-B-Q Pit, on the fairgrounds
In Memory of Brenda Shay Sahinidis
(must have at least ten entries)
Girl with Most Points in Jr. Exhibits … $10.00
Boy with Most Points in Jr. Exhibits … $10.00