Class J 83 – Flowers
Chairperson: Laura Mayzik 519-738-3151
Not to exceed 24” including vase
Prizes: 1st $4.00, 2nd $3.50, 3rd $2.50
1. Asters, 6 blooms, one colour
2. Marigolds, African, 6 blooms, any colour (large)
3. Marigolds, French, 6 stems, any colour (small)
4. Zinnias, large, 6 stems, any colour
5. Zinnias, pompom, (small) 7 stems, any colour
6. Gladiola, 5 spikes, any colour
7. Cosmos, 6 stems, any colour
8. Petunias, 6 stems, any colour
9. Salvia, 6 stems, red
10. Dahlias, small blooms, 6, one colour
11. Hanging basket (indoors only), correctly named
12. Snapdragon, 6 stems, any colour
13. African violet, single flower, single crown, any colour, one plant per pot,must be in bloom
14. Miniature African violet, single flower, single crown, any colour, one plant per pot
15. A.O.V. cut flowers, not already listed, correctly named
16. Using a single flower, make the face of your favourite cartoon character using buttons, pipe cleaners, etc. Write name of cartoon character on tag.
17. Best decorated empty 6” flower pot using the fair theme
Separate Entries
18. By Ginger’s House of Flowers & Gifts, Harrow
Arrangement of Flowers in Your Dad’s Special Coffee Mug … Mdse $5.00
19. By Brook Family
In Memory of Betty Brook
Arrangement of Fresh, Home Grown Flowers in a Toy, not to exceed 24” in height and 24” in length
1st $5.00, 2nd $3.00, 3rd $2.00
20. By Mendes Greenhouses, Harrow
“Cup of Cheer” – Arrangement of Flowers in Your Mom’s Special Tea Cup … $10.00
21. Zeta Kappa Sorority, Harrow
“Kids Use Your Imagination” … Cash $10.00
Use fresh, homegrown flowers and your favourite container and make an arrangement, not to exceed 24” in height and 24” in length
22. By Mendes Family
In Memory of Anibal Mendes
“Little Sprout”
ONE sprouted seed in a container, labeled. Make sure to plant seed several weeks before fair time. (ie corn, bean, maple key, flower seed, etc)
1st $5.00, 2nd $3.00, 3rd $2.00
Specials – Class J 83
By B-B-Q Pit, Fairgrounds
Best Display of Marigolds (sec 2-3)
1 B-B-Q Dinner (Must pick up verification
from office and use at 2024 Fair)
By Leeming Family, Harrow
In Memory of Wilda Leeming
Best Display of Zinnias in the Show (sec 4-5) … $5.00
Specials – Class J 80-89
By B-B-Q Pit, on the fairgrounds
In Memory of Brenda Shay Sahinidis
(must have at least ten entries)
Girl with Most Points in Jr. Exhibits … $10.00
Boy with Most Points in Jr. Exhibits … $10.00