12 Years and Under
Membership Required – No Fee
Class J 80 – Grains & Seeds
Chairperson: David Hernandez 519-980-5323
Prizes: 1st $4.00, 2nd $3.50, 3rd $2.50
Sections 6-12 supply own 1 quart/1 litre jar
1. Two (2) ears Indian corn
2. Five (5) ears ‘23 crop field corn, butt end trimmed
3. Five (5) ears ‘24 crop field corn, butt end trimmed
4. Five (5) ears mature sweet corn, any variety
5. Popcorn, (5) ears, A.V. correctly named
6. Shelled yellow corn, 1 litre
7. Soybeans, clear or yellow hilum, 1 litre
8. Soybeans, dark or coloured hilum, 1 litre
9. Winter wheat, soft white, 1 litre
10. Winter wheat, soft red, 1 litre
11. Winter wheat, hard red, 1 litre
12. Sunflower seeds – 1 litre
13. Tallest stalk of corn with best foliage and best ear 50% foliage, 50% ear. Roots must be clean and ear exposed
14. Tallest stalk of soybean with most pods. Roots must be clean. Pods to be counted and printed on the tag by exhibitor
15. Tallest sunflower, roots removed
16. Best single sunflower head
Specials – Class J 80
By Grain Farmers of Ontario, District 1
Best Soybeans – 1 litre (sec 7-8)
1st $10.00, 2nd $5.00, 3rd $3.00
By Grain Farmers of Ontario, District 1
Best five (5) ears, ’23 crop field corn (sec 2)
Best five (5) ears, ’24 crop field corn (sec 3)
1st $10, 2nd $2
By Grain Farmers of Ontario, District 1
Tallest Stalk of Soybeans With Most Pods (sec 14)
1st $10.00, 2nd $5.00, 3rd $3.00
By Jay’s Grandchildren
In memory of Jay Anger
Best Yellow Corn (sec 6) … $10.00
Best Soybeans, clear or yellow hilum (sec 7) … $10.00
Best Soybeans, dark or coloured hilum (sec 8) … $10.00
Class J 81 – Vegetables
Chairperson: David Hernandez 519-980-5323
Prizes: 1st $4.00, 2nd $3.50, 3rd $2.50
1. Five (5) potatoes, any variety
2. Five (5) yellow onions
3. Five (5) Spanish onions
4. Five (5) table beets
5. Five (5) carrots
6. Five (5) tomatoes
7. Five (5) green sweet peppers
8. Five (5) red sweet peppers
9. Five (5) red hot peppers
10. Garden display, 2 of each vegetable. Must be put in place by exhibitor
11. Any animal caricature made of vegetable or fruit
12. Any bird caricature made of vegetable or fruit
13. Jack-O-Lantern decorated or carved
14. One (1) largest squash
15. One (1) largest pumpkin
16. Largest zucchini
17. Best large tomato
18. Caricature made of vegetable or fruit, to resemble president of Fair – Photo Here
19. Two (2) yams or sweet potatoes
Separate Entry
By Wharram Family
In Memory of Murray Wharram
Best 3 Roma Tomatoes
1st: $20 Gift Certificate from Godfather’s Pizza
2nd $10.00, 3rd $5.00
Specials – Class J 81
By Brad Anger
Best Caricature of President (sec 18) … $10.00
By Dan & Laura Mayzik, Harrow
Best Animal Caricature (sec 11) … $3.00
Best Decorated or Carved Jack-O-Lantern (sec 13) … $3.00
By Colchester Farms, Harrow
Best Bird Caricature (sec12) … $5.00
Most Prizes in Vegetables Class J 81 … $5.00
By Dennis Meleg
Best Plate of Potatoes (sec 1) … $5.00
Best Garden Display (sec 10) … $5.00
By Zavaros Farms, Amherstburg
Most Entries in Class J 81
Class J 82 – Fruit
Chairperson: Dave Hernandez 519-980-5323
Prizes: 1st $4.00, 2nd $3.50, 3rd $2.50
1. Five (5) delicious apples
2. Five (5) apples, any other variety, correctly named
3. Five (5) peaches, any variety, correctly named
4. Five (5) nectarines
5. Five (5) plums, any variety, correctly named
6. Five (5) prunes, any variety, correctly named
7. Five (5) pears, any variety, correctly named
8. A.O.V. fruit, not listed, correctly named (not raspberries)
9. Best large apple with stem
10. Best decorated apple depicting the fair theme
Specials – Class J 82
By Meleg’s Lakeview Orchards
Best Plate of Apples (sec 1-2) … $5.00
Best Plate of Peaches (sec 3) … $5.00
Best Decorated Apple depicting the fair theme (sec 10) … $5.00
By B-B-Q Pit, on Fairgrounds
Most Prizes in Class J82
1 BBQ dinner (Must pick up verification form office and use at 2024 fair)
Specials – Class J 80-89
By B-B-Q Pit, on the fairgrounds
In memory of Brenda Shay Sahinidis
(Must have at least 10 entries)
Girl with most point in Jr. Exhibits … $10.00
Boy with most points in Jr. Exhibits … $10.00