Class 58 – Canned Goods
Chairperson: Marie Hall 519-776-6073
To be Judged – Will be Opened
All canned goods must be in proper glass canning jars with 2 piece lid and ring, except maple syrup. Please use new lid and ring. Jars no larger than 1 quart / 1 litre size.
Jellies and marmalade with proper seals and rings.
Prizes: 1st $7.00, 2nd $5.00, 3rd $4.00
PLEASE NOTE: for sections 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 21, 24, 36, 42 and 45 the first prize will be $30 given by Geordi Todd. The winner is to present the sponsor with an unopened jar of preserves in order to receive the prize money. Exchange to take place before Sunday closing. The second and third prize for these sections is awarded by the society.
PLEASE NOTE: added section – section numbers have changed
1. Applesauce, canned
2. Peaches, canned
3. Pears, canned
4. Blueberry Sauce, canned
5. Tomatoes, canned plain
6. Hot dog relish
7. Beans, pickled
8. Corn relish
9. Chili sauce, fruit
10. Chili sauce, veg
11. Pickled asparagus
12. Pickled carrots
13. Pickled eggs
14. Peppers, sweet, pickled
15. Sweet pickles
16. Zucchini relish
17. Bread and butter pickles
18. Dill pickles
19. End of garden pickle
20. Spaghetti sauce, no meat
21. Peppers mixed, hot **
22. Jam, strawberry, cooked
23. Jam, peach, cooked
24. Jam, raspberry, cooked
25. Jam, plum, cooked
26. Jam, apricot, cooked
27. Jam, blueberry, cooked
28. Jam, currant, cooked
29. Jam, cherry, cooked **
30. Jam, strawberry, freezer
31. Jam, peach, freezer
32. Jam, raspberry, freezer
33. Jam, AOV, freezer **
34. Jam, diet, strawberry **
35. Jelly, apple
36. Jelly, black currant
37. Jelly, sweet pepper
38. Jelly, hot pepper
39. Maple syrup, maple syrup jar accepted
40. Marmalade
41. Fruit chutney
42. Salsa
43. Tomato juice
44. Pickled Beets
45. Year of the canned good “Grape Jelly”
Separate Entry
46. By Homecraft Directors … 1st $10.00
Best Red Wine Jelly using the provided recipe.
View recipe Here or on page 46 of the Fair Book
47. By the Fruit Wagon, Harrow
Best Salad Dressing made with apple cider vinegar. Salad dressing must be kept in refrigerator prior to admission of entry (provide recipe)
1st $20, 2nd $15
48. By Uptown Meats & Deli
Best BBQ Sauce – BBQ Sauce, cooked, proper canning jars with 2 piece lid. Recipe to be included … $20 Gift Certificate
49. By Berrylicious Fruit Farm, Burgessville
Best Elderberry Syrup … 1st $25
Specials – Class 58
By All Canadian Entertainment
Best Corn Relish (sec 8) … $30.00
Best Chili Sauce, veg (sec 10) … $30.00
Best Pickled Asparagus (sec 11) … $30.00
Best Pickled Carrots (sec 12) … $30
Best Pickled Eggs (sec 13) … $30.00
Best Sweet Pickles (sec 15) … $30
Best Pickled Hot Peppers ( sec 21) … $30
Best Raspberry Jam (sec 24) … $30
Best Black Currant Jelly (sec 36) … $30.00
Best Salsa (sec 42) … $30.00
Best Grape Jelly (sec 45) … $30
Winner to present sponsor, Geordi Todd, with unopened jar of preserves to receive prize money.
Exchange to take place before Sunday closing.